Zombified with Sigma Lambda Beta
26 Oct 2013, Posted by Philanthropy, Social in
Sequels don’t usually live up to the original, but “Zombified (Part 2): Return of the Living Dead” sure did! Our second annual collaboration with the Betas proved an awesome time with many great characters and costumes. Men In Black, our very own Sebatian Kalilikane and yours truly, even made an appearance and shut the dance floor down with their eerily satiating choreography. Everyone dressed for the occasion, and the best costumes faced off in a strobe light strut in front of the crowd. Attendees were able to have their pictures taken before entering the dance with Frank the Zombie; good thing too, because nobody leaves Zombified the same way they came.
Zombified gives the campus a spirited signal to prepare for Halloween. Leading up to this event, LPhiE and SLB provided a free screening of the horror movie Dead Silence, sponsored by HBO and XBox Live. Those who came to this viewing were given discounted tickets to the dance, as well as free headphones and, of course, candy—it’s the Halloween season! We also reward those who elect to show altruistic spirit, so those who donated canned goods with their purchase of a ticket were also given discounts to the dance. We ended up with a great number of canned goods that will be donated to the Pullman Food Bank.
LPhiE and SLB collaborate to bring the community together. Look out for the step and stroll competition we’ll be hosting in the spring. We look forward to next year’s Zombified, and believe us, the tradition will only get better!
Tyler Cruz
Public Relations Chair
Washington State University, Colony Chapter
Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc.