Congratulations to both our WSU and UW pledge sisters for getting installed into Chi Sigma Alpha! Chi Sigs was the first sorority to be established in the Pacific Northwest to address a need for Asian American women to experience sisterhood in a very real way. Through supportive networks, the founding sisters diligently recruited new members, built strong social relations, supported the community and deepened their relationships with one another. Chi Sigma Alpha focuses on empowering young women through hands-on leadership training, high standards for academics, lasting community service projects and genuine relationships. All sisters of Chi Sigma Alpha reflect an entrepreneurial and authentic spirit of which the organization was founded.
Many of our brothers were asked as dates to their Installation Ceremony at The Edgewater in Downtown Seattle. The dinner was impeccable and the jokes were outrageous. Of course, we had a special serenade presented our sisters, who were hands down the prettiest ladies in the room. We had a great time attending the formal banquet and meeting more Greeks at the after party. Without a doubt, Chi Sigs know how to do it right!
Spring 2013 WSU Charter Class
# 2, Ms. Allyson Agustin
# 3, Ms. Mia-Danica Balignasay
# 4, Ms. Amanda Fu
# 5, Ms. Susanna Kang
# 6, Ms. Demi Muyuela
# 7, Ms. Gabriela Olivas
Spring 2013 UW Upsilon Class
# 125, Ms. Jessica Chang
# 126, Ms. Angel Leung
# 127, Ms. Jeanie Pham
# 128, Ms. Lynhda Vuong
# 129, Ms. Amy Wang
# 130, Ms. Natassya Wijaya
# 131, Ms. Brittany Yang