Alpha & Beta Class Installs
30 May 2014, Posted by Academics, Brotherhood, Leadership, Social in
Pledge Dad: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane Mr. Andrew “Green Lantern” Cristiani, Mr. Jace “BAzhookah” Goulart, Mr. Derek “Squishy” Gaspar, Mr. Anthony “TK Dragon” Vuong, Mr. Alex “The Transporter” Song, Mr. Paolo “Sprinter Sensei” De Guzman, & Mr. Garvin “Ravengerz” Price
BETAS – Spring 2014
Pledge Dad: Mr. Zhi “Hai-dini” Hu Mr. Jeremy “Velvet J. Sweettooth” Garcia, Mr. Cameron “Samurai Kilauea” Sasaki, & Mr. Eddie “T.K.D. Luffy” Xu
On May 3rd, WSU Lambda Phi Epsilon hosted their annual Installation Ceremony for the newly crossed members of Alpha & Beta Class at Banyan’s On the Ridge Restaurant in Pullman. Our newest leaders into our chapter have already contributed so much into the community and in our organization. Inaugurating our newest Executive Board, exchanging gifts and awards, and welcoming the newest members of our Alumni Association consisted of our ceremony. Alpha & Beta Class had class dressed in white & blue ties, similar to what our chapter charters wore last year.
Mr. Paolo De Guzman was the recipient of WSU Lambda Phi Epsilon’s first ever Legacy Scholarship! The Washington State University Lambda Phi Epsilon Legacy Scholarship recognizes a distinguishing active member who has made an outstanding impact to the growth of his brotherhood and chapter. The beauty of Legacy is that it is just as much about the future as it is about the past. The concept behind Legacy is for an older generation to bequeath not only the fruits of their labor, but also to pass on the knowledge that each generation has the power to define, create, and eventually pass on their own Legacy.
We would like to thank our guest from Greek & non-Greek organizations for attending our installation ceremony. We really appreciate your support for our Alpha & Beta class. Chi Sigma Alpha Colony, WSU’s Chi Omega & UW’s alpha Kappa Delta Phi were our guests to our ceremony and we appreciate and are so thankful for your presence and support for our new leaders.
Gifts Received
Alpha Class
- Andrew Cristiani: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Customized Lighter, Pdad Canvas, LPhiE Glass Cup, Workout Protein
- Jace Goulart: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Pdad Canvas, LPhiE Glass Cup, Power Rangers, Banana, Hookah set
- Derek Gaspar: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Customized Lighter, Pdad Canvas, LPhiE Glass Cup
- Anthony Vuong: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Customized Lighter, Photography Portfolio, Pdad Canvas, LPhiE Glass Cup, Anime Posters, Anime Buttons, Customized Lambda Baseball Jersey
- Alex Song: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Customized Lighter, Pdad Canvas, LPhiE Glass Cup
- Paolo De Guzman: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Customized Lighter, Pdad Canvas, LPhiE Glass Cup, WSU $500 Legacy Scholarship, Seahawks Championship DVD, Customized Sports Jersey
- Garvin Price: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Customized Lighter, Pdad Canvas, Custom Nike shoes, LPhiE Glass Cup, Superman toy, banana & an electric cigarette
Beta Class
- Jeremy Garcia: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Grey Lambda Helmet Tank, Sports Jersey, Red Velvet Cake
- Cameron Sasaki: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Grey Lambda Helmet Tank
- Eddie Xu: Royal Blue Lambda Kanji Tank, Grey Lambda Helmet Tank, Anime Posters, Anime Buttons, Customized Lambda Baseball Jersey
Big Bros
- Ronald Ramones: Hulk Athletic Shirt, iPod Touch
- Zhi Hu: Wireless Beats By Dre Royal Blue Headphones.
- Michael Jackson: Sports Jersey
- Paolo De Guzman: Sports Jersey
- Gabriel Dumbrique: Plane ticket to Hawaii, Electronic Cigarette with Honeydew E-Liquid
- Adrian Wong: Desktop computer
Pledge Dads
- Sebatian Kalilikane: Pledge Dad Paddle
- Zhi Hu: Pledge Dad Paddle
Executive Board
- Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique (Incoming President): Lambda Gavel
Graduating Seniors
- Mr. David Sharkey: Graduation Stole, Photo Frame, Lei, Water Bottle
- Mr. Zhi Hu: Graduation Stole, Photo Frame, Lei, Water Bottle
- Mr. Michael Jackson: Graduation Stole, Photo Frame, Lei, Water Bottle
We wish the graduating seniors the best of luck in the future. We will be be touch with you guys through our alumni association!