



Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Wilgene Lieto II
  • Vice President External: Mr. Aaron De Guzman
  • Vice President Internal: Mr. Alvin Azana
  • Secretary (FA’23): Mr. Eh Hser Taw
  • Treasurer: Mr. Tim Yip
  • Vice President of Education (SP’24) Mr. Cameron Caldon
  • Advisor: Sree Guruprasad

Cabinet Positions

  • New Member Educator (FA’23): Mr. Alvin Azana
  • New Member Educator (SP’24): Mr. Aaron De Guzman
  • Academics Chair: Mr. Tim Yip
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr. Devon Young
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Albert Lucas
  • Fundraising Chair (FA’23): Mr. Eh Hser Taw
  • Fundraising Chair (SP’24): Mr. Eh Hser Taw
  • Historian Chair: Mr. Cameron Caldon
  • Programming Chair: Mr. Devon Young
  • Public Relations Chairs: Mr. Cameron Caldon | Mr. Josiah Mak
  • Recruitment Chairs: Mr. Jaden Kang |  Mr. Tim Yip
  • Service Chair: Mr. Tim Yip
  • Social Chair: Mr. Jaden Kang
  • Webmaster: Mr. Cameron Caldon

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Derek Phan
  • Vice President External: Mr. Brian Kai Nelson
  • Vice President Internal: Mr. Albert Lucas
  • Secretary (FA’22): Mr. Ben Volack
  • Secretary (FA’23): Mr. Aaron De Guzman
  • Treasurer: Mr. Wilgene Lieto II
  • Advisor: Mr. Charles Ross

Cabinet Positions

  • New Member Educator (FA’22):  Mr. Gerome Dosono
  • New Member Educator (SP’23): Mt. Albert Lucas
  • Academics Chair: Mr. Aaron De guzman 
  • Brotherhood Chair: 
  • Culture Chair: 
  • Formals Chair: 
  • Fundraising Chair (FA’23): 
  • Fundraising Chair (SP’24): Mr. Eh Hser Taw
  • Historian Chair: Mr. Alvin Azana
  • Programming Chair: Mr. Wilmer Castillo 
  • Public Relations Chairs:  Mr. Wilmer Castillo & Mr. Alvin Azana
  • Recruitment Chairs:  Mr. Alvin Azana & Mr. Andre Lawas
  • Service Chair: 
  • Social Chair: 
  • Webmaster: Mr. Aaron De guzman

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Terence Nguyen
  • Vice President External: Mr. Wilmer Castillo
  • Parliamentarian: Mr. Derek Phan
  • Secretary: Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Treasurer: Mr. Wilgene Lieto II
  • Advisor: Mr. Joseph Martin

Cabinet Positions

  • New Member Educator (FA’21): Mr. Jay-Ar Arsenio
  • New Member Educator (SP’22): Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Academics Chair: Mr. Wilgene Lieto II
  • Alumni Chair: Mr. Gerome Dosono
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr.Gerome Dosono
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Jason Tran
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Joshua McKenzie
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Albert Lucas
  • Historian Chair: Mr. Derek Phan
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Jake Nguyen
  • Public Relations Chair: Mr. Wilmer Castillo
  • Recruitment Chairs: Mr. Gerome Dosono, Mr. Jay-Ar Arsenio
  • Social Chair: Mr. Matthew Mamaril
  • Webmaster: Mr. Albert Lucas

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Edelmiro Flores
  • Vice President External: Mr. Albert Lucas
  • Parliamentarian: Mr. Brandon Lopez
  • Secretary: Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Treasurer: Mr. Terence Nguyen
  • Advisor: Mr. Joseph Martin

Cabinet Positions

  • New Member Educator (SP’20): Mr. Jared Garalde
  • New Member Educator (FA’20): Mr. Malvin Malai-Harrison
  • Academics Chair: Mr. Dayton Matsushima
  • Athletics Chair: Mr. Wilgene Lieto II
  • Alumni Chair: Mr. Gerome Dosono
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr.Gerome Dosono
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Wilgene Lieto II
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Gaire Mammaril
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Historian Chair: Mr. Jared Garalde
  • Performing Arts Chair: Mr. Sheighden Rabago
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Wilmer Castillo
  • Public Relations Chair: Mr. Dayton Matsushima
  • Recruitment Chairs: Mr. Wilmer Castillo, Mr. Gaire Mammaril
  • Social Chair: Mr. Sheighden Rabago
  • Webmaster: Mr. Malvin Malai-Harrison

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Malvin Malai Harrison
  • Vice President External: Mr. Ke’ahelaumakani Pau
  • Vice President Internal: Mr. Jared Garalde
  • Parliamentarian: Mr. JhonMartin Dimaculangan
  • Secretary: Mr. JhonMartin Dimaculangan
  • Treasurer: Mr. Edelmiro Flores
  • Advisor: Mr. Atisheel Kak

Cabinet Positions

  • New Member Educator (SP’18): Mr. Blaine Casil
  • New Member Educator (FA’18): Mr. Edelmiro Flores
  • Academic Chair: Mr. Brandon Lopez
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr. Steve Na
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Ke’ahelaumakani Pau
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Edelmiro Flores
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Patrick Agustin
  • Historian: Mr. Blaine Casil
  • Performing Arts Chair: Mr. JhonMartin Dimaculangan
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Patrick Agustin
  • Public Relations: Mr. Jared Garalde
  • Recruitment Chairs: Mr. Brandon Lopez, Mr. Steve Na
  • Socials Chair: Mr. Gerome Dosono
  • Web Master: Mr. Joseph Cortez

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Jared Garalde
  • Vice President External: Mr. Malvin Malai-Harrison
  • Vice President Internal: Mr. Joseph Cortez
  • Secretary: Mr. Blaine Casil
  • Treasurer: Mr. Brandon Lopez
  • Advisor: Mr. Atisheel Kak

Cabinet Positions

  • New Member Educator (SP’19): Mr. Ke’ahelaumakani Pau
  • New Member Educator (FA’19): Mr. Joseph Cortez
  • Academics Chair: Mr. Art Matthew Mamaril
  • Athletics Chair: Mr. Joshua Mckenzie
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr. Steve Na
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Art Matthew Mamaril
  • Formals Chair: Mr. JhonMartin Dimaculangan
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Tyler Phan, Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Historian Chair: Mr. Blaine Casil
  • Performing Arts Chair: Mr. Joseph Cortez
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Edelmiro Flores
  • Public Relations Chair: Mr. Tyler Phan
  • Recruitment Chair: Mr. Gerome Dosono
  • Social Chair: Mr. Jake Nguyen, Mr. Brian Nelson
  • Webmaster: Mr. JhonMartin Dimaculangan

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Internal Vice President: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane
  • External Vice President: Mr. Randy Cho
  • Treasurer: Mr. Alex Song
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Garvin Price
  • Social Chair: Mr. Jeremy Valdez

Cabinet Positions

  • Academic Chairs: Mr. Tyler Cruz & Mr. Ronald Ramones
  • Alumni Chair: Mr. Garvin Price
  • Athletic & Brotherhood Chair: Mr. Paolo De Guzman
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Paolo De Guzman
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Garvin Price
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • Historian: Mr. Anthony Vuong
  • Parliamentarian: Mr. Anthony Vuong
  • Public Relations Chair: Mr. Garvin Price
  • Recruitment Chair: Mr. Jeremy Valdez
  • Secretary: Mr. Derek Gaspar
  • Step Master: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • UGA Representative: Mr. Alex Song
  • Web Master: Mr. Andrew Cristiani

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Michael Jackson
  • Internal Vice President: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • External Vice President: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Treasurer: Mr. Zhi Hu
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Randy Cho
  • Social Chair: Mr. Jeremy Valdez
  • Fall Pledge Dad: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane
  • Spring Pledge Dad:  Mr. Zhi Hu

Cabinet Positions

  • Academic Chair: Mr. Zhi Hu
  • Athletic Chair: Mr. David Sharkey
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr. David Sharkey
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Ronald Ramones
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Ronald Ramones
  • Historian: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane
  • Parliamentarian: Mr. Zhi Hu
  • Public Relations Chair: Mr. Tyler Cruz
  • Recruitment Chair: Mr. Jeremy Valdez
  • Secretary: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Step Master: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • UGA Representative: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Web Master: Mr. Andrew Cristiani

Executive Board

  • President: Mr. Zhi Hu
  • Vice President: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • Treasurer: Mr. Michael Jackson
  • Philanthropy Chair: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane
  • Social Chair: Mr. Jeremy Valdez

Cabinet Positions

  • Academic Chair: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • Athletic Chair: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane
  • Brotherhood Chair: Mr. Ronald Ramones
  • Culture Chair: Mr. Randy Cho
  • Formals Chair: Mr. Tyler Cruz
  • Fundraising Chair: Mr. Zhi Hu
  • Historian: Mr. Randy Cho
  • Parliamentarian: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Public Relations Chair: Mr. Tyler Cruz
  • Secretary: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Step Master: Mr. Adrian Wong
  • UGA Representative: Mr. Gabriel Dumbrique
  • Web Master: Mr. Sebatian Kalilikane
The Lambda Phi Epsilon Alumni Association is a national organization and network formed to promote and coordinate our fraternity’s alumni activities and communications. At the local level, the Alumni Association’s duty is to continue to uphold the fine traditions and ideals of our brotherhood. They endeavor to assist and support both our active members and our respective communities in whatever capacity deemed necessary or applicable. With each new infusion of graduating brothers into our network, the Alumni Association becomes larger and stronger. The Alumni Association also rewards scholarships to undergraduate members who epitomize the ideals of Lambda Phi Epsilon. The Foundation also plays a role in organizing professional development workshops to connect active undergraduates with distinguished alumni in their industry of choice.

Chapter Roster






Alias: #1, “GenQ”
Birthday: March 23, 1993
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Renton, WA
Major: Civil Engineering


A Brotherhood is a path that a group takes, and through this path they go through obstacles together, but as a team they take care of each other and go through this experience together to accomplish their goal. Once the journey ends, and the fellowship is created, the Brotherhood does not cease. It continues to grow with more experiences and the Brotherhood can become even stronger. During the intake process, our brotherhood has been tested by the hardships we endured, and by going through it and helping each other out, I was able to open my eyes and see that I want to continue to help my brothers. We operate as a unit, and when one fails, we all fail. With this concept we learned to work together, and we learned a lot about each other along the way. A Brotherhood is a lifetime commitment and shouldn’t be taken very lightly. Being a Lambda is not only a privilege, it’s a lifetime commitment to living the ideals of the fraternity.

Family Line





Alias: #2, “Kuriboh”
Birthday: June 15, 1993
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Long Beach, CA
Major: Psychology


Everyone may have a different explanation for what the brotherhood may be. Each variation is no more significant than another one. I believe what makes a true brotherhood meaningful is the foundation on which its members base their values upon. It is the collective experiences shared among that group that help determine whether or not they are actually growing as a band of brothers and not just any other group of guys. There are times during the day when I randomly start feeling angst and all I am able to think about is the next time I get to be in the presence of my brothers. I believe that this feeling is a big indicator that I am literally a part of a true brotherhood. There are, of course, many other ways that I believe exemplify a true brotherhood. Ultimately, to me, brotherhood means that I will stand and fight wholeheartedly alongside my brothers against any force that opposes any of us and I will never back down and quit on them as long as I am able to breathe.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Cameron Sasaki (Beta)
Little Bro | Mr. JhonMartin Dimaculangan (Delta)




Alias: #3, “Young Holmes”
Birthday: March 29, 1991
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Battle Ground, WA
Major: Criminal Justice


As brothers, we function as a unit and go through all the tough and enjoyable times together. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and do whatever we can to take care of one another. A brotherhood is a bond that few people get to share and experience. True brotherhood is internal and can overcome any deep emotional hardship. No matter the race or ethnicity, we all come together as a unit and achieve what we all strive for the most. Brothers should be able to understand one another’s way of life. Everyone is treated equal and not blinded by pride or our own beliefs and understandings. We develop each person to their fullest potential and to encourage personal growth. As each day passes, the love for each other grows stronger every day. Brotherhood is like a second family that you learn to cherish every moment you have together and you will always have that bond until the day you die and beyond.

Family Line





Alias: #4, “Tysseus”
Birthday: January 5, 1994
Ethnicity: Marshallese, Guamanian, Black
Hometown: Upper Marlboro, MD
Major: Computer Science


Brotherhood is a special bond. This is a bond that you share with a select few people. Everyone in this brotherhood has these bonds with each other that outsiders may not understand. These bonds allow you to instill faith in and depend on your brothers in your time of need. Brotherhood comes with helping a brother out if they need you, no matter the circumstances. If they’re not there for you physically, they’ll surely be there for you in spirit. Brotherhood isn’t all about the good times in my opinion. It is also about the struggle. The struggle is real. During my pledge process, my brotherhood consisted of Jeremy, G, David, Adrian, Zhi, Ronald, Sebastian, Randy, and MJ. These are my brothers outside of my biological blood. We’ll cry, sweat, and bleed with each other throughout the years together, as we begin a new journey at Washington State University. We’ll have each other’s backs through thick and thin because we’re brothers, while making memories that’ll last a lifetime.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Sheighden Rabago (Delta)




Alias: #5, “Charlie”
Birthday: March 8, 1992
Ethnicity: Chinese, Vietnamese
Hometown: Kent, WA
Major: Social Work


Loyalty is a value that our Interest Group has developed first in terms of brotherhood. We have developed a sense of loyalty where it did not matter what any one of us was going through—we knew that there would always be a brother that would be there for us and have our back no matter what the circumstances. Though we were forced to put that blind faith into each other, it really taught us a small but important sample of what it meant to be able to support and trust each other. Now that faith has increased exponentially. Going through all these experiences with everyone in the group has given me a very different perspective on what brotherhood means to me. Every person has their own definition of brotherhood, but my definition has been shaped by this process and all the things I have done during it. With that said, brotherhood to me means everything: all the collective experiences shared during this process and the personal hurdles I have overcome alongside my brothers.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Anthony Vuong (Alpha)
Little Bro | Mr. Eddie Xu (Beta)
Little Bro | Mr. Malvin Malai Harrison (Delta)




Alias: #6, “Hai-dini”
Birthday: June 16, 1992
Ethnicity: Chinese
Hometown: Battle Ground, WA
Major: Accounting


As brothers, we are never stronger more than when we are tested. Of course, there are always the good times and the bad with any family, but during our chartering process, we have learned how to function as a unit as we experienced overcoming some of the most challenging of obstacles. True brotherhood is not from the outside of physical appearances. It is internal and very deep and emotional. I believe that brotherhood transcends friendship. Lambda Phi Epsilon has taught me that this brotherhood can be leveraged as a platform to work towards a common goal. Brothers are there as someone to rely on and depend and vice versa. I have learned to put the interests of my brothers ahead of myself. Our brotherhood is like a glass that is half full and half empty: we take the initiative to ask each other how we can fill their glass full up to the rim. As each day passes, the camaraderie I have for all of my brothers deepen with love and respect.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Jace Galourt (Alpha)
Little Bro | Mr. Garvin Price (Alpha)




Alias: #7, “Hulky Kong”
Birthday: January 20, 1994
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Waianae, HI
Major: Mechanical Engineering


Brotherhood to me is an enduring relationship because it demands the most dedication out of a person. Brotherhood is that instant connection gained amongst each other showing that everyone loves and cares about each other like how brothers should be. For my class, even though starting out as strangers, I know now that we are forever linked as brothers. The die hard loyalty we established as charters throughout the new member education journey was the reward I discovered. I know that with brothers, I will have the connections and the support for life. With my brothers at my side, I will be able to depend on them when I need them the most and those will be the men that I will share the important milestones of my life. I have come to learn that pain is temporary; brotherhood is eternal. The meaning of brotherhood is much more than just someone to bond with, it is someone who you know will be there for you for the rest of your life.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Andrew Cristiani (Alpha)
Little Bro | Mr. Blaine Casil (Delta)




Alias: #8, “MaFiosO”
Birthday: July 17, 1994
Ethnicity: Hawaiian, Thai, Filipino
Hometown: Issaquah, WA
Major: Electrical Engineering


I have journeyed brotherhood through three steps: The Search, The Abyss, and The Light. Beginning with The Search, each individual enters the group as strangers. Shortly after the formation of our Interest Group, we began exploring why we were doing what we were doing. Continuing with The Abyss, this is where all of the men in our group had become comfortable of each other’s presence, and soon we had stepped through the threshold, from being just strangers, to acquaintances working toward a common goal. It was here where I had the opportunity to find out exactly what each person was like, how they acted, and where they came from. Lastly, The Light. It was here where the beginnings of true brotherhood had been conceived. It was here where all of our views and morals were tested, and only together would we be able to achieve anything greater than if we were on our own. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. One thing is for sure, the best is yet to come.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Edelmiro Flores (Delta)




Alias: #9, “Lil Kim”
Birthday: April 17, 1994
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Shoreline, WA
Major: Biology


The concept of brotherhood is constantly thrown around in the common experience of close friends, but there is much more to it, and in reality, it is likely to find that only a small percentage of people get to experience the incredible values and bonds of true brotherhood. To me, this term should not be spoken only, but rather must be lived. I used to be one of these people that abused the term, but not because I intentionally wanted to throw around the term to my friends like it was nothing, but because I actually did not know any better; I never really had the chance to learn what brotherhood was all about because I had yet to go through any experiences that would develop such a relationship and create this once in a lifetime bond. Even if at first we fail, triumph is inevitable when we can count on our brothers and have entire faith in placing our well-being in their hands without a doubt. I am grateful to have found eternal brotherhood in Lambda Phi Epsilon.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Alex Song (Alpha)

Little Bro | Mr. Jaden Kang (Xi)




Alias: #10, “Boji Bryant”
Birthday: February 7, 1992
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Black, Chinese
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Major: Economics


I look at my brothers as competition: teachers and students who I can learn something from, teach something to, or just strive to be better than in life. A brotherhood means having a group to fall back on when you’re at your lowest point, too. It’s a cold world out there and everyone needs someone to lean on at some point. Balancing the chartering process, college coursework, and part-time work, my brothers kept me sane since they were going through the same experience. They gave me an outlet to vent about my problems or just kick it so I felt like I had a social life. Brotherhood is a feeling of belonging that you feel when you have the worst day of your life but you’re laughing 10 minutes later because your brothers are there for you. Or at your wedding day when one of your brothers decides to give a toast and brings up the time you got so drunk you wet the bed that night. Companions for life, I know my brothers are still here to help me out for anything.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Paolo De Guzman (Alpha)


FALL 2013




Alias: #11, “Green Lantern”
Birthday: April 15, 1993
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Major: Landscape Architecture


You know the feeling when you arrive on campus and say, “This place is my home?” Brotherhood is the exact same thing. Arriving into an environment where you immediately click is one of the best feelings a human can experience. Experiencing this feeling shows that you belong there with the environment and the people. The individuals of the group hold different characteristics, but unite as one to form an overwhelming amount of personality, experience and intelligence. My purpose of joining this eternal brotherhood is to expand my network and to have a closer relationship with the Wazzu family. I have experienced a number of life changing actions and thoughts and for that, I am very grateful. Everything has a beginning, middle and an end; except for brotherhoods. Brotherhoods do not hold an ending. Our brotherhood evinces an eternal connection once the bond is made. I am proud to be in the unbreakable brotherhood of Lambda Phi Epsilon.

Family Line





Alias: #12, “BAzhookah”
Birthday: December 20, 1987
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Spokane, WA
Major: Biology/Teaching


Throughout this process I have been faced with defining what brotherhood means to me. In order to become a dependable brother, you need to have a strong sense of yourself. You need to believe in yourself before others will. Building upon your beliefs and creating a strong sense of identity is crucial. Personal conviction cannot be faked. You cannot put up a façade and expect people to believe in you if you do not believe in yourself first. In brotherhood, everyone represents a cog in the machine. If one link is broken or weak, then the rest of the group cannot properly function. Being able to trust each other fully is the core element of a successful society. Only when a puzzle is put together can you see the entire picture as a whole. If one piece is missing then the picture is lost. We are not alone anymore and we will always have each other to fall back on when life presents us with unthinkable trials that we don’t expect.

Family Line





Alias: #14, “T.K.Dragon”
Birthday: October 20, 1993
Ethnicity: Chinese
Hometown: Oakland, CA
Major: Business


I spent a good year thinking about whether to join Lambda Phi Epsilon. I ignored all of the cons that are stereotypically said about fraternities because I was tired of hearing the hasty generalizations. I had to experience Greek life for myself, so I took the dive into the unknown and have not since regretted it. Through my intake process, I’ve come to learn that brotherhood can build a solid foundation of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. I learned how to obtain enduring respect for myself and others out of politeness and humility; maintain a strict ethical code of honesty and loyalty; acquire the skills of dedication to persist in challenging times in spite of opposition or discouragement; demonstrate patience and discipline to exert my will power over my emotions and impulses; and show courage by having the right attitude in maintaining inner strength regardless of winning or losing. Lambda Phi Epsilon is now a brotherhood I can call my own.

Family Line


Little Bro | Li Yuan (Gamma)

Little Bro | Gaire Mamaril (Theta)




Alias: #15, “The Transporter”
Birthday: March 30, 1986
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Major: Accounting, MIS


Before the start of my intake process with Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity, I didn’t think much about the concept of brotherhood. I am an only child with no brothers, nor any siblings. During new member education, my definition of brotherhood has been enhanced. I now have 6 pledge brothers who I have spent a lot of time with. We’ve come to rely on each other for support throughout process and trust each other with our most intimate thoughts. Starting out as complete strangers, I’ve learned about my brothers’ history, their perspectives, and even their quirky mannerisms. We have quickly made strides towards working as a functional unit, utilizing the advantages that one brother has and filling in for the shortfalls of another. This is what a brotherhood should be like—not just one individual I can trust implicitly, but several individuals that I can trust and who can function as one to help achieve our goals.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Brandon Lopez (Epsilon)




Alias: #16, “Sprinter Sensei”
Birthday: January 19 1993
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Silverdale, WA
Major: Kinesiology, Sports Management


Why did I decide to get into this brotherhood? This is because I saw Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity as a unique opportunity to begin a new chapter of my life. I knew I could look back on the experience and say it had made a positive impact. The connections I have already made throughout Lambdas, such as the invaluable networking among numerous actives and alumni throughout the region and the world, as well as the leadership skills and professional development are undoubtedly beneficial for my future. Throughout the long and enduring new member education process, even though there had been bumps into the wall and struggles along the way, the brotherhood within my class was never shattered. Instead, it grew stronger. The process was long and not meant to be easy. Memories have been created with each pledge brother and bonds have been cemented among our class. I am grateful for being able to start and finish this process with them and no one else.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Jeremy Garcia (Beta)
Little Bro | Mr. Jared Garalde (Delta)
Little Bro | Mr. Ke’ahelaumakani Pau (Delta)




Alias: #17, “Ravengerz”
Birthday: December 4, 1994
Ethnicity: Chinese, Caucasian
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Major: Chinese, MIS


Before I joined Lambda Phi Epsilon, brotherhood was just another word in the dictionary. My pledge brothers and I started out as complete strangers, but through our brotherhood events and shared experiences from our intake process, we grew as one class—united. We do not throw each other under the bus because as brothers, we look out for each other. Perhaps one of the greatest things about brotherhood is that it comes naturally. We begin to offer to help pay for each other’s mistakes; we begin to lean on each other without every having to question our loyalties. While experiences help shape and build stronger bonds between brothers, the significance each one of my pledge brother’s hold in my life cannot change. That is why I believe most people may never have a chance to experience a bond as stronger as one in a brotherhood. Who knows where we will all be in ten years? Yet, one thing is for certain: I know I will still be in contact with my pledge brothers.

Family Line







Alias: #18, “Velvet J Sweettooth”
Birthday: February, 28 1994
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Kent, WA
Major: Pre-Pharmacy


I went through many obstacles in my life, but there are some people who were given the opportunity struggles with and experience situations with them that you never even expected. I was luckily one of them. People within your brotherhood understand your ins and outs. I never understood brotherhood fully and did not care for brotherhood until I joined Lambdas. Brotherhood is more than just simply friendship. They are ones who you can see at your wedding and graduation. You can clearly tell the difference between when I am with my brothers and when I am with my friends that I made throughout the school year. I have created memories with my brothers and it continues to become more memories. I have told them stories that I have never told anyone before. It is simply amazing how much this brotherhood has been changing me.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Joseph Cortez (Epsilon)




Alias: #19, “Samurai Kilauea”
Birthday: February 11 1995
Ethnicity: Japanese, Hawaiian
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
Major: Architecture


Life can be unpredictable and unfair, often throwing challenges at us which we have no clue how to solve. Whether it is school, people, or sports people never know what to expect. When you’re born into a family you don’t get to choose who you end up with, and in a brotherhood you may not all get along. Even though there may be times of quarrel and disagreement, the trials and tribulations that brothers go through is what keeps them together in a brotherhood. Brothers know that the word brotherhood does not simply mean people sharing common interest, or being similar to one another. They know the word to mean something deeper, not just a simple definition, but a collection of memories, the blood sweat and tears shed together. Words can be simply defined by words, but some require the time invested to truly understand the meaning of the word to its fullest. I personally may not have understood the word brotherhood to its true definition, but I am always learning and gaining new understandings to what it means to be in a brotherhood.

Family Line





Alias: #20, “T.K.D.Luffy”
Birthday: July 22, 1993
Ethnicity: Chinese
Hometown: Qingdao, China
Major: Hospitality Business Management


The definition of the word brotherhood is totally different with the word friendship. I can consider everyone as my friend, but I will not calling them as my brother. For me personally, the concept of brother is whether you are in adverse situation or you are successfully they always there for you and got your back. The premise of a brother is that people must go through difficulties with you and during the process we built up a trust with each other. As a brother for each other, I will always try my best to help them. Every time you find something fun or something happy, you want to share with them; or sometimes I face difficult challenges, I will be looking forward to their advice and suggestions. If we take situations as a war, I will never win it by myself. It is all about how much you care about your brothers and how much you trust your brothers. I feel like I can do anything with my brothers. Beta class is strong like no other.

Family Line



FALL 2017



Alias: #21, “Hawaiian J”
Birthday: July 25, 1996
Ethnicity: Hawaiian, Filipino, British, French, German, Irish
Hometown: Hilo, HI
Major: Architechture


Coming soon!

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Gerome Dosono (Epsilon)



Alias: #22, “Mo’CHI”
Birthday: November 4, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Waipahu, HI
Major: Agriculture Economics


Coming soon!

Family Line


Little Bro | Brian Nelson (Eta)

Little Bro | Erick Enriquez (Iota)



Alias: #23, “EsKobarO MC-ano”
Birthday: August 6, 1996
Ethnicity: Mexican
Hometown: Fresno, CA
Major: Zoology/Pre-Vet


Brotherhood means the undoubted support by one another, regardless of differences and disagreements. Through my brothers I have had the luxury to obtain and share wisdom and knowledge to ensure success for myself and every brother that precedes. The present moment becomes a valuable memory of the past, but the brotherhood will transcend age and time allowing bonds of eternal brotherhood.

Family Line




Alias: #24, “Kanaka O Kila”
Birthday: May 5, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Wailuku, HI
Major: Civil Engineering


A lot of people will say brotherhood is just a word or that it’s just an ordinary bond. But to me, brotherhood is much more than a word, its more than just a bond. It’s something that is not given but is earned. It forms when you can completely accept the good things and the bad things about each other and still stand with them no matter what. Brotherhood is filled with love, care, and acceptance, and I am grateful I can call the men I stand with, my brothers. Without this brotherhood I am not sure where I would be or who I would be. They have helped me become the person I am today and I can gladly say that I will have all their backs until the end of time.

Family Line


Little Bro | Joshua McKenzie (Zeta)



Alias: #25, “CreaLITor”
Birthday: June 26, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Auburn, WA
Major: Management Information System


I never grew up with any brothers — I’ve always felt like that something was missing. I have that with Lambda Phi Epsilon. The connections I’ve built with my brothers are transcendent. In any situation, we can call on each other to carry the weight of all our weaknesses. Obstacles are never meant to be met alone, and that’s why I have my brothers. I was on the verge of completely losing my way. But they became my support system and provided me with invaluable guidance in finding the direction in my life and for that I have the utmost respect for them. I have had to persevere through many adversities alone, but now I know I always have a brother. The countless amounts of inside jokes, convoluted conversations, stories, and hard work we all shared because of this brotherhood a things I will remember for the rest of my life. I am the brotherhood and the brotherhood is me. Lambdas Forever.

Family Line

Little Bro | Mr. Steve Na (Epsilon)



Alias: #26, “Royal Flush”
Birthday: August 19, 1998
Ethnicity: Malay, Bruneian, Kelabit
Hometown: Edmond, OK
Major: Strategic Communication, Advertising


Brotherhood is more than just having a close connection with those around you. It’s loyalty. Loyalty to the gentlemen that support you through your worst of times, and celebrate with you during your best. It’s the unconditional love that you all share through your similarities, while appreciating and respecting your differences. It’s the mindset that you it’s always possible for you to grow closer and continually learn from one another. No matter what I go through in life, the gentlemen that I have the privilege of calling my brothers will always be there for me, as I will with them. Brotherhood is represented through our eternal bonds that will never be broken.

Family Line


Little Bro | Tyler Phan (Zeta)

Little Bro | Dayton Matsushima (Theta)



Alias: #27, “Heartthrob AF”
Birthday: June 27, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Oak Harbor, WA
Major: Apparel Merchandising, Design and Textiles


Brotherhood has always meant a lot to me. From knowing the feeling of what it means to be alone, I learned that if you want to go fast do it by yourself, but if you want to go far do it together. By joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, I’ve been able to experience what it means to push myself past my limits with the guidance and push of my brothers and the community as a whole. I’ve been able to fulfill more of my goals with the brotherhood. I also know that with the failures in mind, my brothers will be there to pick me back up.

Family Line






Alias: #28, “Okinawan Son Rise”
Birthday: January 26, 1998
Ethnicity: Japanese-American, Okinawan
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Major: Construction Management


Brotherhood is a unique, private bond based on intangible, invisible principles. And because of this bond, you’ll be making friends which last not a semester, or four years, but for a lifetime. Being part of a fraternity is incomparable to anything else; it’s brotherhood, pure and simple. However, to know of its existence is one thing, to experience the brotherhood of fraternity membership is another. It is a oneness, which transcends all cultural, economic, and ideological differences..

Family Line


Little Bro | Terence Nguyen (Eta)



Alias: #29, “Sonicare”
Birthday: December 16, 1996
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Oak Harbor, WA
Major: Computer Science


Coming soon!

Family Line


Little Bro | Albert Lucas (Zeta)



Alias: #30, “S.P.A.Z.”
Birthday: May 13, 1994
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Riverside, CA
Major: Materials Science Engineering


What Brotherhood means to be is having that support system that will always be there for you. Aside from family and friends the brotherhood will help lead me into the path that leads into my future. No matter what background the brotherhood comes from there will be equilaity between each and every one of us. I see that in the future we will be known for our brotherhood and be know to show what we stand for. Bringing in cultural awareness within the brotherhood will definitely show who we really are. In this brotherhood we are leaders among men.

Family Line


Little Bro | Jay-Ar Arsenio (Zeta)



Alias: #31, “Experiment 626”
Birthday: October 2, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Wapato, WA
Major: Biology


Brotherhood is it’s own unique relationship between myself and those who I can call “brothers”. This relationship may be formed in relation to mutually shared personal hardship, of which is resolvable with those I can deem as brothers to aid you and be right by your side. It is an intangible, yet significant relationship, deeply rooted in interconnected emotional experiences. It means putting yourself in a state of vulnerability, an unstructured susceptible state of which is subject to the judgement of and vulgar criticism of others, but the love and acceptance of your brothers. It cannot be just be declared verbally, but declared through actions, experiences, and endeavors as people far beyond mere friends. When the term “brotherhood” is stated, it is a bond that cannot be described through words alone, but by the firsthand interpersonal strides experienced with people who I can genuinely call “brothers”.

Family Line


Little Bro | Ben Volack (Kappa)



Alias: #32, “Seoul Latte”
Birthday: April 8, 1999
Ethnicity: Korean, Chamorro
Hometown: Guam
Major: Criminal Justice and Foreign Language


For me it means that your always gonna be there for each other no matter what. Through good times and bad times. We know little details about each other and we know each other very well. Respecting each other and considering us as family. To love one another, never leave each others back, keeping each accountable and pushing each other.

Family Line



FALL 2018



Alias: #33, “Tapochau
Birthday: February 29, 2000
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Saipan
Major: Chemistry


Brotherhood is a bond forged by struggles and made for eternity. It is a relationship that only a handful of people understand and even fewer posses. My brotherhood in Lambda Phi Epsilon can be explained as a family that keeps you accountable on your successes and failures. I can confidently say that I have my brothers full support and that my brothers have mine. Most importantly, this brotherhood has made Pullman a home away from home and that the eternal brotherhood reassures me that everywhere I go I can find a brother of Lambda Phi Epsilon.

Family Line


Little Bro | Wilgene Lieto (Theta)



Alias: #34, “Shazamu”
Major: Kinesiology


Coming soon!

Family Line


Little Bro | Belgutei Munkzhul (Kappa)



Alias: #35, “Ken-Zen”
Birthday: March 9, 1997
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Bremerton, WA
Major: Computer Science


Brotherhood means the world to me. It means unconditional love and support from people you call family. It’s knowing that no matter what happens in life, there will always be people there to help you. Brotherhood is something more than just a word, it’s a feeling. The feeling of being accepted regardless of whatever background, whatever flaws, and whatever struggle we have been through. It’s something that has and will forever change my life for the better.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Patrick Agustin (Epsilon)

Little Bro | Mr. Andrew Lawas (Mu)

Little Bro | Mr. Elijah Sassmannshausen (Omicron)



Alias: #36, “Kapuso S”
Birthday: July 19, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Bremerton, WA
Major: Computer Science


Being the eldest of 4 sisters, I have always wanted a younger brother to pick on and share similar interests. Or an older brother to look up to as a role model. When I joined Lambda Phi Epsilon, I’ve learned that brotherhood is more than just a relation. It is a deep bond that is built upon trust, vulnerability and love. The adversity, the similar obstacles that my brothers have faced as an Asian American is what attracted me to the fraternity the most. It is easy to pick on the negatives of the Greek system, but what people cannot measure is the lives this particular fraternity has saved and supported. Learning the coming of age stories of my pledge brothers has significantly humbled me, trusting each other with our deepest insecurities that we have experienced in our lives. Learning that each brother’s purpose for joining this fraternity is genuine and not for the sake of just partying, but for goals greater than themselves. They are real leaders, and this what Brotherhood truly means to me.

Family Line


Little Bro | Mr. Airlanga Sofjin (Mu)

Little Bro | Mr. Myron Myazoe (Nu)



Alias: #37, “Q-NOTE”
Birthday: January 13, 1999
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Hometown: Vancouver, WA


To me brotherhood is a place of comfort. Brotherhood is like a home, home is supposed to be a place where we are comfortable, cared for and respected. At home I value the idea of being able to be vulnerable. I’m able to be the person that I want to be without judgement. Being apart of this brotherhood has taught me to be the my most authentic self that I can be.

Family Line


Little Bro | Wilmer Castillo (Theta)





Alias: #39, “Legendary Hope-O-potamUS
Birthday: April 4, 2000
Ethnicity: Japanese, Caucasian
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Major: Music Performance


A brotherhood consists of reassurance that no one has to feel alone, and that everyone is able to truly be themselves at ease. This brotherhood is stronger than steel and heavier than lead. My brothers have helped me learn and grow every single day. With the help of my brothers, have learned to not only give back to them and the community, but that I need to do what makes me feel happy and fulfilled. I can easily rely on all of my brothers to help each other through anything. I love all of my brothers forever.

Family Line


Little Bro | Jason Tran (Iota)



Alias: #40, “饒速水琥珀主”
Birthday: May 17, 1998
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Hometown: Tacoma, WA
Major: Construction Engineering


Brothers in a brotherhood care, respect and love each other through celebration and hardship alike. I look up to every single one of my brothers in some way, each brother is unique and hold a special place in my heart. I learn from my brothers to make myself to my fullest potential and try to be the best I can to reciprocate. The most fundamental part about brotherhood, above all else, is love.

Family Line


Little Bro | Mr. Eh Hser Taw (Nu)


FALL 2019



Alias: #41, “Dime-Yo”
Birthday: December 30, 1998
Ethnicity: Japanese/Okinawan American
Hometown: Aiea, HI
Major: Management Information System


When I think about Brotherhood, the first thing that comes to mind is the bond that I created for myself with every brother whether they be alumni or new active brother. These bonds are strengthened every day with every laugh and hardship that we experience together. Brotherhood can only be described to a certain extent for outsiders, it is a feeling that can only be fully understood by those who have bridged the gap and formed the bonds of brotherhood with each other. It is not something that is given, it is earned through trust, humility, and authenticity. Our Brotherhood here at Washington State University is unique by how much we show out when it comes to our love for one another. I know at the end of the day I will always have a brother who will have my back when I am faced with adversity and struggling. I love my brotherhood and I am proud to be a brother here at Washington State University.

Family Line


Little Bro | Mr. Tim Yip (Xi)



Alias: #42, “LA Magic”
Birthday: July 10, 2000
Ethnicity: Salvadoran
Hometown: Hawthorne, CA
Major: Neuroscience Pre-Med


Brotherhood to me is not defined by shared blood, but rather the unconditional love and support shared among men. As well as the everlasting bonds formed through thick and thin, but like any unit as long as we are together any hardship can be overcome. As brothers, like any family there are differences, but that just makes everyone unique and add to the diversity of the brotherhood. They say “A picture is worth a thousand words” but the definition of brotherhood transcends language and can only be demonstrated through our enteral bonds. Brotherhood is filled with memories and moments that will last a lifetime, each adding to the ever rich and unforgettable history of that brotherhood. I have the honor to call these individuals who go above and beyond all the aspects of their life my brothers.

Family Line


Little Bro | Mr. Devon Young (Nu)



Birthday: April 7, 2000
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Hometown: Camas, Washington
Major: Bioengineering


Before joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, growing up with a brother, I thought I knew what brotherhood was, but it was just the foundation. After going through the new member education process, I learned what brotherhood really means. Brotherhood is a word to describe not just the unconditional love and loyalty between my brothers and I, but the feeling of brotherhood is something that cannot be put into words. I’ve learned that brotherhood is not given, but created by the experiences with my brothers of life’s lows and highs. My brothers are and will always be there to lean on during our darkest moments, as well as celebrate our highest achievements. The bonds with my brothers is something that will continue to grow and flourish eternally.

Family Line


Little Bro | Mr. Eddie Layog (Kappa)

Little Bro | Mr. Josiah Mak (Xi)



Alias: #44, “SSgt Taotao”
Birthday: December 25, 2000
Ethnicity: Carolinian/Chamorro/Filipino
Hometown: Saipan
Major: Mechanical Engineering


Brotherhood is being confident in the support that each brother will provide to one another, love being another factor of it. It is something earned through constantly being there for each other. Each experience in this brotherhood is unique, which is what makes it what it is. These connections made with each other is something much deeper than your usual friendship and putting it into words does not do it justice. It becomes evident what brotherhood is when it is seen through the behavior we have towards each other. With this, I can confidently say, “The love that my brothers have is something only we can understand.”

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Art Mathew Mameril (Zeta)

Little Bro | Mr. Aidan Greenmun  (Omicron)



Alias: #45, “Tsunami Flow”
Birthday: May 29, 1997
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Kent, WA
Major: Bioengineering


Being a transfer student from the west side of Washington, it was a major priority for me to find my group of people that would support me. This being important to ensure that the last few years of my undergraduate degree would be successful and memorable. I found a group of people that share similar goals, aspiration, and values as I do. Going through the new member education process, I learned that brotherhood extends far beyond my previously defined characteristics. I never imagined having such strong emotional bonds and investments for each brother in the brotherhood. I want nothing less than for each brother to achieve their life goals.

Family Line


Little Bro | Mr. Ruben Navarrete (Iota)

Little Bro | Mr. Alvin Azana (Kappa)





Alias: #46, “ALL-amat De Apolaki”
Birthday: May 26, 1998
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Saipan, MP
Major: Civil Engineering


Brotherhood means being able to rely on people who, despite just meeting–will inevitably become someone you can entrust your entire life to. Brotherhood isn’t defined by the happy moments that we share altogether, but rather the struggles and hardships that we face together along the way. Brotherhood isn’t defined by the color of your skin or race, but rather the adversities, aspirations, and dreams that each and every brother share. Each brother is significant in their own way, but to come together and utilize these different perspectives and dynamics all towards one goal, this is what brotherhood is all about. The definition of brotherhood is rather subjective; my definition is based on experiences. The experiences I’ve shared with these brothers have enriched my blind faith into absolute trust and loyalty. I will stand by these brothers through thick and thin till the end of the time. Brotherhood is facing the impossible headstrong with brothers alongside whom you’d risk your life for. I have sat in the same room from day 1 with blind faith into this organization–let alone my own brothers in the process, wherein that leap of faith into the great unknown has now provided me with lifetime connections, bonds that cannot be severed, and a sense of belonging. Brotherhood is never boasting, never different, and never divided. Brotherhood to me is always love, always sympathetic, and always understanding.

Family Line




Alias: #47, “AMPHoric tAROtSuki”
Birthday: April 23, 1999
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Hometown: Vancouver, WA
Major: Chemical Engineering


A brotherhood is a place where you can call home away from home, where everyone can be there authentic selves and pass no judgment. Brotherhood consists of people who genuinely care for one another. A brotherhood is there to help uplift you from your darkest times and celebrate with your achievements, no matter how big or small it may be. You have to put in the work and dedication to gain the trust of those you truly care about. It means that you’re willing to give up everything for one another without any further hesitation. Words cannot describe what “brotherhood” means, it’s the actions and work you put behind the scenes that only your brothers recognize that creates the meaning.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Brian Kai Nelson (Eta)



Alias: #48, “Susano’o”
Birthday: 12/04/1997
Ethnicity: Mexican
Hometown: Glendora, CA
Major: Materials Science and Engineering


Brotherhood is hard to put into words. It’s a love for others so strong that it affects your decision making. It’s an unbelievable confidence that your brothers love you for who you are without any hesitation. They hold you to the highest standard and you do the same to them because you all believe in each other. It’s not something that comes easily and you have to work hard for it every day because it’s something special. Being with the Brothers has shown me how alone I actually was in my life up until now, and I love and appreciate all of them for who they are and what they’ve created.

Family Line


Little Bro | Aaron De Guzman (Kappa)


FALL 2021



Alias: #49, “C.O. Hoon”
Birthday: 04/13/1999
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Waianae, HI
Major: Computer Science


Brotherhood is not just a bond that shares many common interests, but it is a bond born for adversity. A friend will give you all the answers and will make life easy for you, maintaining a surface-level relationship, but brotherhood will push past your limits to refine you to be the best version of yourself in achieving all your dreams and aspirations. It’s a bond that doesn’t happen overnight; it is forged from a journey of vulnerability and learning about one another. Brotherhood means a lot to me because of that lifetime of earned unconditional love, trust, and loyalty between my brothers and me. Just like my immediate family, it means just as much or more, that I’d go against all odds for my brothers, and I have faith they’d do the same for me.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Gaire Mamaril (Theta)

Little Bro | Mr. Cameron Caldon (Xi)



Alias: #50, “DS Musashi”
Birthday: 11/10/2001
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Silverdale, WA
Major: Computer Science


Throughout the entirety of my life, I grew up alongside brothers. Having moved away from my family for the first time in my life, I realized that brotherhood was something I couldn’t live without, so it was important for me to find it. Joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, I had learned that brotherhood does not need to be familial. Regardless of whether a brother is a blood relative or not and although we may be quite different, both can show the common identities of what makes brotherhood: love, support, and trust. By building a bond between my brothers through many of our shared experiences, through moments of hardship and joy, those three aforementioned identities always show up at the forefront and therefore I know that I can always count on each other and any brother of Lambda Phi Epsilon just as much as I can count on my blood related family to achieve the greatest versions of ourselves. I am grateful for having brothers that fully embrace these ideals of brotherhood as another family and I am glad that we’ll always have each other’s backs for the rest of time.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Ruben Navarette (Iota)

Little Bro | Mr. Mathew Wong (Omicron)



Alias: #51, “Naoyuki”
Birthday: 09/04/2002
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Tacoma, WA
Major: Communication/Psych


Brotherhood can mean so many things. To me it means no matter the situation, no matter the condition, there will always be a sense of trust, loyalty, love, and support. Brotherhood is a sense togetherness that brings everyone together and puts them all on a mutual level. Brotherhood means a family away from family. Brotherhood is learning and teaching all in one, allowing yourself to take in and put out whatever is needed when needed. Building these new experiences with all my brothers, whether it be having fun, to helping a brother out that is in need. These experiences are what strengthen these bonds between bros creating that sense of eternal brotherhood. Brotherhood is being there, showing out and providing unconditional support through your words and actions.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Derek Phan (Theta)



Alias: #52, “Yellow Bash”
Birthday: 02/03/2000
Ethnicity: Italian
Hometown: Groton, CT
Major: Social Studies for Secondary Education


Growing up, I was the oldest of my 3 younger brothers, so I already had a strong understanding of the meaning of brotherhood. I knew that brotherhood meant being there for your brothers no matter what, being dependable, listening and sharing memories that will last a lifetime. After joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, I learned that the bond of brotherhood transcends blood and can extend to anyone who meets these criteria. I will always be there for my brothers, will always share my wisdom, and will guide them through any difficulties that life throws their way. In turn, I can say without a doubt that my brothers would do the exact same for me and this has been proven time and time again as I have grown and navigated life alongside my brothers.

Family Line


Big Bro | Gerome Dosono (Epsilon)

Little Bro | Mr. Bobby Lor (Nu)



Alias: #53, “King Nanaue”
Birthday: 12/04/2002
Ethnicity: Mongolian
Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Major: Apparel Design & Merchandising


Brotherhood to me means that these people will stay by your side through ups and downs of your life. Having people that will support you no matter what and set you on a straight path when you’re lost. Always keeping each other accountable and helping each other reach their goals. Most of all its people that you really know and create unforgetting memories with them.

Family Line


Big Bro | Joshua McKenzie (Zeta)





Alias: #54, “3000
Birthday: November 10th, 1999
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Cebu, Philippines
Major: Management Information Systems


Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Jay-Ar Arsenio (Zeta)



Alias: #55, “S.S. Enkidu”
Birthday: June 1st, 1999
Ethnicity: Indonesian
Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia
Major: Political Science


Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Albert Lucas (Zeta)


FALL 2022



Alias: #56, “Muryōkūsho
Birthday: August 1st, 2004
Ethnicity: African American
Hometown: Des Moines, WA
Major: Psychology


Brotherhood is a strong special bond that is unbreakable. Brotherhood isn’t something that can be instantly obtained but rather worked on. Brotherhood can be built upon through quality experiences that are spent with each other. It brings love not from an attraction point of view, but from a kinship point of view.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Wilmer Castillo (Theta)




Alias: #57, “Jeleilon von Schutz”
Birthday: 03/11/2004
Ethnicity: Marshallese
Hometown: Yelm, WA
Major: Computer Science


Being the oldest in the family, I’ve always wanted an older brother, a brother that can give guidance, teach me the steps, and grow as a person. The word brother can mean the siblings in your family, but it can also mean a person outside of your family that you treat like family. Brotherhood to me is knowing from the bottom of your heart, that these guys got your back no matter what circumstances you’re in, but they also help you grow to be the best version of yourself. They don’t help just in school, but in life as well. Even through ups and downs they still love you and appreciate what you did for them and the memories that are made.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Albert Lucas (Zeta)



Alias: #58, “Il Capo Di Vita”
Birthday: 08/02/2004
Ethnicity: K’nyaw
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Major: Management Information Systems


Brothers will always have your back, no matter what. Through thick and thin, they will always be there for you. There is always unconditional love when it comes to brotherhood and even if we haven’t been in touch for a while, I know that we can make up for the lost time. I can always be myself when I am with my brothers, and they help me grow to be the best version of myself. Brotherhood is a family that makes me feel at home no matter what. Through brotherhood we can push each other past our limits and change for the better.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Terence Nguyen (Eta)



Alias: #59, “C.B. Chidori”
Birthday: 01/17/2004
Ethnicity: Hmong
Hometown: Vancouver, WA
Major: Athletic Training


Brotherhood means to give without expecting anything in return. It’s unconditional love no matter what the situation is. We stick by one another and always help bring each other back up when one falls. It’s a home away from home and people who you can trust with your life. We tell each other the truth and have those difficult conversations that we aren’t used to. To be able to be vulnerable to one another is the beauty of brotherhood.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Ben Volack (Kappa)





Alias: #60, “K.B. Soul”
Birthday: February 1st, 2000
Ethnicity: Korean
Major: Landscape Architecture


To me, brotherhood represents the unwavering support and solidarity that is offered to one another during both the best and worst of times. Upon joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, I discovered that no matter where I found myself, my fellow Lambda brothers would always be there for me, through thick and thin. As the oldest member of my family, I was responsible for shouldering many of life’s burdens and quickly learned how to be independent and self-reliant in order to accomplish any task that came my way.
However, through the countless days and nights spent with my pledge brothers, I realized that anything is possible when you have a group of brothers who are always there for you, both physically and emotionally. Witnessing the willingness of my brothers to cry with me or go out of their way to assist me was a clear indication of their love and concern for me. These actions inspired me to reciprocate the same level of energy and love towards my brothers, and ultimately opened my eyes to the true meaning of brotherhood, which was something that I had been seeking for here at WSU.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Randy Cho (Charter)



Alias: #61, “AvantSon”
Birthday: April 9th, 2003
Ethnicity: Chinese
Hometown: Hong Kong
Major: Apparel Design


Everyone has a different meaning of brotherhood, but for me it means family, a support system, an indispensable and unbreakable bond that formed outside of our blood-related family. Brothers will pick you up when you are at your lowest point, they will comfort you when you’re upset, they are the person who can share our happiness with, and we can call each other out when things go wrong. Before I joined Lambda Phi Epsilon, I didn’t even have a concept of what brotherhood looks like, I often see it as just a friendship, but after I joined this fraternity I realized brotherhood means so much more than friendship. In my opinion, you can easily call someone a friend, they can be your classmate, or school friends who you spent most of the time with, but quantity time doesn’t equal to quality time. Brothers will make time and sacrifice for each other no matter what circumstances, we can communicate with each other with just eye contact, and the love between brothers are unconditional and selfless.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Derek Phan (Theta)



Alias: #62, “ΛPOLLO
Birthday: June 3rd, 2003
Ethnicity: Cambodian, Caucasian
Hometown: Federal Way, WA
Major: Computer Engineering


Brotherhood means having a deep sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization, its members, and the principles that it represents. It involves supporting and uplifting one another, fostering a sense of community, and promoting personal and professional growth. Putting individual interests underneath the rug for the greater good is an essential attribute each brother must have to show loyalty. Brotherhood goes far beyond superficial connections and involves a deep understanding of others’ strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. It also means telling the truth rather than saying what someone wants to hear. As the youngest brother of two, I have always had the familial aspect of brotherhood, but I now see that I have an unbreakable lifelong brotherhood with Lambda Phi Epsilon.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Alvin Azana (Kappa)



Alias: #63, “Paradigm”
Birthday: July 31st, 2002
Ethnicity: Chinese
Major: Management Information Systems


Brotherhood to me means undying objective support. The unwavering support and encouragement that each member provides to help overcome obstacles and stay focused on the objective creates unbreakable bonds. It’s often challenging to make your voice heard in a world with so many people, leaving you feeling unappreciated and unheard. However, when I joined Lambda Phi Epsilon, I found a support system that empowered me to tell my story, to be heard, and to feel appreciated. The bond that I shared with my brothers was like no other; it was built on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and love. I remember feeling overwhelmed and lost at times, but my brothers were always there to lift me up and help me get back on track. They provided me with the courage and motivation I needed to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacle. It was through their unending support that I gained the confidence to chase my dreams and pursue my passions.
Now, after joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, I am filled with gratitude and a deep desire to give back and pay it forward. The brotherhood I gained from this organization has left an undeniable mark on my heart, and I will forever cherish the memories and lessons I learned along the way.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Dayton Matsushima (Theta)


FALL 2023



Alias: #64, “sandeVistan”
Birthday: July 18th 2003
Ethnicity: Chinese, Mexican
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Major: Computer Science


To me, brotherhood is a profound bond characterized by unconditional love and unwavering support. It goes beyond the confines of biological ties, extending to friendships and connections forged through shared experiences. True brotherhood involves standing by each other through thick and thin, offering a pillar of strength in times of adversity, and celebrating each other’s victories with genuine joy. It is a commitment to understanding, empathy, and loyalty that transcends mere companionship. In the realm of brotherhood, there is a shared sense of responsibility to uplift one another, fostering an environment where individuals can grow, thrive, and face life’s challenges with the reassurance that they are not alone. It is a sacred connection that withstands the test of time, uniting hearts in a tapestry woven with compassion and enduring camaraderie.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Aaron De Guzman (Kappa)



Alias: #65, “PREDΛTOR”
Birthday: March 8th, 2003
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Vancouver, WA
Major: Civil Engineering


Brotherhood to me is a bond that goes beyond blood ties, built on shared experiences, trust, and mutual support. It embodies a sense of unity, understanding, and loyalty, providing a foundation for enduring connections and a support system in times of need. I am the oldest of my 10 siblings so I grew up being the one they looked to for support and answers, when things got hard I didn’t really have anyone I could look to other than myself. I grew up pretty closed off not showing much emotion or any wants or needs so that my siblings were taken care of first. Upon joining Lambda Phi Epsilon my brothers helped me breakdown those walls and open up. There were many emotional nights where my brothers and I opened up to one another saying whatever was on our minds. That showed me that they care about me and care about how I feel. Lambda Phi Epsilon has shown me what true brotherhood looks and feels like, I am honored to be apart of this brotherhood. I would go above and beyond for my brothers. I have found my support system and life long friendships.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Jay-Ar Arsenio (Zeta)



Alias: #66, “PROMETHEUS”
Birthday: November 13th, 2003
Ethnicity: Vietnamese, Caucasian
Hometown: Redmond, WA
Major: Marketing


My experience of brotherhood was profoundly transformed when I joined Lambda Phi Epsilon. In this close-knit community, I found more than just a group of friends, I found a group of people that I could call my brothers; I found a support system that was genuinely empowering. The brotherhood encouraged me to open up and to share my story with confidence, knowing I would be heard and appreciated. The bond I share with my brothers in Lambda Phi Epsilon is unique and an experience like no other. It was a relationship built on a solid foundation of trust, loyalty, and love. This brotherhood taught me the importance of mutual support and understanding. It showed me how shared experiences and values can create an unbreakable bond that goes beyond the usual friendships. In times of joy and in moments of struggle, I knew my brothers would be there, offering their unconditional support. This sense of belonging and unity within Lambda Phi Epsilon has played a major role in my life, teaching me the true essence of respect, and brotherly love. Unquestionably, this organization has helped me find brotherhood, and I will always treasure the memories and teachings I learned along the way.

Family Line


Big Bro | Mr. Wilgene Lieto II (Theta)



Mr. Devin Ceballos-Lagazo


Alias: #67, “Prismatic”


Brotherhood to me is an unbreakable bond created upon similar hardships and obstacles that bring different people together. It isn’t a bond tied by familial relations, but instead a mutual connection of openness and willingness to be loyal, vulnerable, and understanding with one another. It embodies a place where individuals are free to be themselves and have a purpose. Being a part of the brotherhood of Lambda Phi Epsilon, I can confidently say that I have people who will be there for me till the end. When I am with my brothers, it is the freest feeling in the world. The relationship I have with them is like no other and it is something I will always cherish. Having the honor of sharing this bond of brotherhood with these people show me that I not only have unbreakable friendships, but most importantly a family.

Family Line

Cruz Line

Big Bro | Mr. Jason Tran (Iota)

Mr. Gaynay Doo


Alias: #68, “G-Nasty”
Birthday:  June 3rd, 2003
Ethnicity: Knyaw
Hometown: Utica, NY
Major: Computer Science


Brotherhood to is me is the inexplainable bond between individuals that transcend friendship, rooted in loyalty, mutual respect, and shared experiences. It is built upon the foundation of trust and understanding where each person knows they can rely on the other through thick and thin. I found brotherhood in a Honda Civic. I found brotherhood in a library study room. I found brotherhood in a Seattle public bathroom stall door. Ultimately I found brotherhood in these people who supports one another’s wellbeing, success and happiness, often putting others need over their own.

Family Line

Cho Line

Big Bro | Mr. Eh Hser Taw (Nu)

*Mr. Rijul Sharma


Alias: #69, “Grand Carnage”
Hometown: Singapore


Brotherhood to me means a sense of unity and unwavering support, creating a bond that goes beyond friendship. It’s about having people who understand me on a deeper level, share common values and who are there for me through both the good times and the bad. Being a part of this brotherhood, I have found a home away from home. Even being thousands of miles away from my home, when I’m with my brothers, it feels as though I’ve never left. The bonds I have formed with these brothers is one that that I will respect and cherish for life and shows that no matter where I may be in the world, I will always have a family that has my back.

Family Line

Wong Line

Big Bro | Mr. Alvin Azana (Kappa)

Mr. Ryen Howard


Alias: #70, “deN𝚲rO”
Birthday: January 5th, 2004
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Camas, Washington
Major: Mechanical Engineering


Brotherhood is more than just friendship to me but an eternal family. Brotherhood is an unbreakable bond that is supported by unconditional love and support. Being with my brothers has allowed me to fully embody myself and be true to who I am, expressing endless loyalty and vulnerability with one another. Coming to WSU, I felt lost and disconnected from the community, but joining the brotherhood of Lambda Phi Epsilon has been one of the best decisions I’ve made since coming to college. I am more than honored to share these experiences with my brothers for eternity.

Family Line

Wong Line

Big Bro | Mr. Cameron Caldon (Xi)

Mr. Brian Kuramoto


Alias: #71, “Nova Jade”
Birthday: October 13th, 2003
Ethnicity: Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Hometown: Oahu, Hawaii
Major: Electrical Engineering


Brotherhood is an indescribable bond that forms
when vulnerability meets passion. To be vulnerable is to be authentic not just with yourself, but with others. After moving from Hawaii to Washington a few years ago, I struggled to be vulnerable and closed myself off to forming new relationships. However, after a while, I realized that I wasn’t living, I was just existing. So when a brother approached me concerning joining Lambda Phi Epsilon, I decided to take that chance. To be vulnerable to trying something new and meeting new people. Little did I know that it would be the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve made countless memories and lifelong relationships since crossing. Joining this brotherhood has taught me how to love, not just myself, but others as well. Now Pullman feels like home, and it’s because I know all of my brothers are here. I love every single one of them. They have welcomed me with open arms, accepting me for all that I am. That acceptance is the epitome of what brotherhood is about, vulnerability and passion, a lesson that I will carry with me throughout my entire life.

Family Line

Hu Line

Big Bro | Mr. Josiah Mak (Xi)


FALL 2024

Mr. David Tejero


Birthday: September 19th, 2005
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Pomeroy, WA
Major: Computer Science


Coming soon

Family Line

Cruz Line

Big Bro | Mr. Erick Enriquez (Iota)

Mr. Aidan Bui


Alias: #73, “ARHATAKE”
Birthday:  April 6th, 2005
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Hometown: Spokane, WA
Major: Business


Coming soon

Family Line

Al Dente Line

Big Bro | Mr. Elijah Sassmannshausen (Omicron)

*Mr. David Chung


Alias: #74, “독고 FORGE”
Birthday: May 5th, 2004
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Pullman, WA
Major: Kinesiology and Pre-PT


Coming Soon

Family Line

Wong Line

Big Bro | Mr. Rijul Sharma (Pi)

Mr. Carter Joslin


Alias: #75, “J. SUGE”
Birthday: June 23rd, 2005
Ethnicity: Filipino
Hometown: Ocean Shores, WA
Major: Education


Coming Soon

Family Line

Cho Line

Big Bro | Mr. Gaynay Doo (Pi)

Mr. Connor Tibbets


Alias: #76, “ATLAS”
Birthday: June 28th, 2006
Ethnicity: Korean, Caucasian
Hometown: Gig Harbor, WA
Major: Mechanical Engineering


Coming Soon

Family Line

Al Dente Line

Big Bro | Mr. Adian Greenmun (Omicron)