Brotherhood Spotlight: #28, Brandon “Okinawan Sonrise” Lopez
25 Sep 2018, Posted by Brotherhood in

Name: Brandon Lopez
Nickname: Okinawan Sonrise
Number: 28
Crossing semester: Spring 2018
Class Name: Elemental Epsilons
Year: 3rd year (Junior)
Major: Construction Management
Passion: Photography
Why Lambdas?
As an individual I try to hold myself to the highest standards and I have really ambitious goals for my future such as running my own company and bettering the future of my family. I really try to focus on personal growth and am always seeking new opportunities to push myself out of my comfort zone. Prior to joining Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity Inc. my lifestyle did not align with the person I wanted to be, but upon joining the organization I saw the key to my future embodied in one unified brotherhood. I can truly say that the friends I’ve made in the community and the brothers I’ve gained are like-minded individuals that are on their own great journey through life and without them or the brotherhood by my side I wouldn’t be who I am today or the person I envision myself to be. I am also very thankful for my mother and father for molding me into the person I am today. I will always stay true to the blue, that is ROYAL BLUE of course.
Why Brothers Love Brandon:
#21: Brandons a real one. He thinks critically and speaks with concise intent. He stays humble and open to everyone of all different backgrounds and aspirations. He is always looking for new experiences and ways of understanding things to their fullest. This includes understanding male nipple sensitivity before and after piercing.
#23: Bradon that guy
#24: Brandon is the most focused yet not focused person I’ve met, he knows how to get things done but at the same time knows how to have fun #donkey
#25: Brandon is chill but has no chill. He is always down to do something and a super hard working individual. Priorities are straight, yuh.
#26: Brandon leads with styyle. Not only is his wardrobe on point, but so is his dedication to the brotherhood. He’s a great Academics Chair and put together a liiiit recruitment week. Don’t sleep on this bro
#27: Brandon is an amazing brother because he has always been able to be punctual on everything and he also is also secretly a troll and a goofball.
#29: Brandon is the most accountable person I know, I can always rely on him. He keeps it real while always holding that cute smile on his nip.. I mean face.
#30: Brandon is amazing with words
#31: Brando is a cute little kid that knows how to have fun, but can be excellent and take care of business when needed. Cute little nipples too
#32: Brandon is a very trusting brother. I can count on him with homework and just a brethren to talk too. He is down to do anything. #free da nips