Alpha Class Probate
16 Nov 2013, Posted by Greek, Stroll/Step in
The Washington State University Colony of Lambda Phi Epsilon hosted its Fall 2013 Probate at 8 pm on Saturday, November 16th at Kimbrough Auditorium. For those that missed the event, a video recording is available online. (We encourage everyone to subscribe to our YouTube Channel if they haven’t already for updates on our future videos!)
They were many reminiscent happenings at this semester’s probate. Anthony Vuong gave his big bro, Founder Adrian Wong, a peculiar shout out by using his famous line, “Oooh my god, Lambda Phi Epsilon!” He drew laughs from everyone who is familiar with the phrase from last year’s reveal and it definitely brought the charters back to a time when they were new-born Lambdas. Additionally, the serenade and step performances organized by the Almighty Alphas melted the hearts of the female attendees in the crowd. There were numerous other moments within the showcase worthy of highlighting, but we’ll just let everyone watch it for themselves.
We’d like to give another special thanks to our two dear sister sororities. We appreciate alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Incorporated from the University of Washington for making the five-hour drive from Seattle to show their support. Considering their organization yet does not exist at Washington State University, they’re arguably one of our greatest long distance supporters. They even made an appearance at our very first Bid Night. We also extend our gratitude our these lovely sisters of Chi Sigma Alpha National Sorority, Incorporated. They brought their entire chapter sitting in the front row seats of the auditorium to show their support! During their roll call, the entire house stood up and let their presence be known in numbers. Shout out to the amazing Chi Sigs who have been by our sides since the beginning. All those girls in red and white showed them how to do it right!
WSU Lambda Phi Epsilon’s Alpha Class has arrived. The legacy has begun, and now, it continues. The overwhelming support shown by the Greek community is amazing and much appreciated. It just wouldn’t be the same without all of the love these organizations show. We—inclusive of our Almighty Alphas—appreciate the support of our community.
Tyler Cruz
Public Relations Chair
Washington State University, Colony Chapter
Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc.